WallWalker® earned the Editor’s Choice Award for “Tools of the Trade” in 2000 for Innovation and Leadership
First Hanging Staging of its kind
“The WallWalker® is the first hanging staging of its kind. It can hang on either side of a stud wall, over a beam, or over 8-inch block to make a safe, adjustable stage. The device’s 38-inch-wide walk board arm adjusts in 6-inch increments along a 6-foot-tall vertical rail. This lets you move the work platform to within 12 inches of the top plate. Arms meet OSHA standards and are rated for 500 pounds a pair. Each 20-pound aluminum unit comes with handrail attachments and fold tightly for efficient storage. Hooks are available for walls up to 14 inches thick” (Tools of the Trade, June 1999).

Designed to Reduce Falls
“Work place safety is a huge concern on today’s job sites. Here’s a product designed to reduce falls and eliminate makeshift scaffolding. Called the WallWalker®, the scaffolding hangs on the inside and outside walls and is sold in pairs. To set the system up. you remove a quick-release pin and slide the top plate hook out from its storage position.
The hook adjusts to proper wall width, while the horizontal support beam adjusts to the correct plank height. Then you secure each WallWalker® to the wall and put the plank in place. The devices can be adjusted with or without removing the plank. The horizontal beam extends 38 to 45 inches from the wall and allows ample room for cutting standard tails and installing fascia board while standing on the platform. The WallWalker® comes with the handrail posts that support top rails, mid rails, and toe boards” (Tools of the Trade, April 1999).

Easily Movable
“A lightweight, easily movable scaffold system that hangs from the tops of walls has been introduced by a recently formed Orem, Utah company. The WallWalker® is made of aluminum and consists of sections that unfold to hook over the top of a wall and to support scaffold plank. The supports can be hung from a wall while standing on the ground. and the height of the scaffold plank can be adjusted without removing the plank
Each pair of Walkaway are rated to support 250 pounds of 500 pounds evenly distributed, and there are no height restrictions as long as local and federal requirements are being met, says the company, WallWalker® LLC. Horizontal plank support beams extend either 38 or 45 inches from the wall, depending on the model used, and handrail posts that support a top rail, mid-rail, and toe boards are available as options.
‘Several devices were constructed after many contractors were asked about features that would make the device desirable to use.’ says company president D. Paul Riley. ‘Once the final prototype was made and tested, the contractors said that the devices were saving them time and money'”(Rural Builder, March 1999)

Easy to Transport
“The aluminum WallWalker® scaffold hangs off the top plate or beam and extends more than 36 inches from the wall, leaving working room to do layout, set joists and rafters, cut rafter tails, install fascia boards, and set the first row of roof sheathing. Easy to transport and store, the brackets can be hung insde or outside, and wont get in the way even when installing rim boards or blocking. Handrail posts area available, and plank height can be adjusted without removing the plank. Each pair will hold 500 evenly distributed punds and meets all OSHA requirements” (Journal of Light Construction, July 1999)