“We have over 60 framing crews and have not had an employee fall off the top-plate since we started using WallWalkers. WallWalkers have saved us thousands of dollars on our workers’ compensation costs.”
-Carpenter Contractors of America
-Carpenter Contractors of America
“I was able to eliminate the time and hassle it took to build makeshift scaffolding”
-Monte Mecham, Monte Mecham Construction
“Our Quality and productivity have gone up now that our employees are working from a good solid platform instead of trying to balance on the top plate.”
– Habitat for Humanity
“This has made my framing jobs so much easier. Now I can get the job done quicker and I don’t have to put my crew in those dangerous and awkward positions”
-John Clark, Brookwood Construction
“We love the WallWalkers. They are light, collapsible, and easy to set up. I can’t believe we have been framing for so long without WallWalkers. We will never go back to walking the top plate”
– Advanced Framing