WallWalker® Helps Employers Keep Employees Safe

Whether you are the General Contractor or using a Sub Contractor to frame a home, a multi-family unit, or other commercial building you should always ensure that you are keeping your employees safe by following the OSHA regulations. It is the company’s responsibility to establish a safe work environment for every employee, regardless of the size of the company. It is OSHA’s responsibility to help ensure that companies are providing a safe work environment. They will use their enforcement authority for those who don’t keep their employees safe.

Why Does WallWalker Work with OSHA So Closely?

It’s simple. Safety is good for employees and it is just good business overall. Not only can employees be happier and healthier, but it also means more money to the bottom line. Employees will have fewer sick days, trips to the hospital, and with that comes increased productivity and more satisfied workers. Not to mention the cost of OSHA fines, the cost of not being OSHA compliant builds quickly.

WallWalker understands that it is our duty to help businesses protect their workers from unnecessary falls that can result in serious injury. WallWalker leads the way in innovation to help protect employees from falls and help increase quality and productivity at the same time..

If you want to become a company that is serious about employee safety and satisfaction, WallWalker is here. We look to enhance employee satisfaction and prevent accidents that could impact our customers. When you want OSHA compliance, you can count on us.

WallWalker® Scaffolding Exceeds OSHA Regulations

Any company who works within OSHA’s guidelines ultimately has the same goal: a productive and safe work environment for all employees. WallWalker exceeds OSHA regulations.

We recognize that safety and health are crucial to a thriving and profitable business model. So we work with OSHA to reduce injuries, illnesses, and worst of all, any on-site fatalities. We partner with all of the organizations that we know can help us. We use training outlets to make sure that our customers always understand what is expected of them and know what they are supposed to do.